Black Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters (Paperback)

Justin Seitz




Python is the language of choice for hackers and security analysts for creating powerful and effective tools. Ever wonder how they do it?

A follow-up to the perennial best-seller Gray Hat Python, Justin Seitz's Black Hat Python explores the darker side of Python's capabilities—writing network sniffers, manipulating packets, infecting virtual machines, creating stealthy trojans, extending the popular web hacking tool Burp Suite, and more. You'll learn how to:


  • Create a trojan command-and-control using Github
  • Detect sandboxing and automate common malware tasks, like keylogging and screenshotting
  • Escalate Windows privileges with creative process control
  • Use offensive memory forensics tricks to retrieve password hashes and inject shellcode into a virtual machine
  • Abuse Windows COM automation to perform a man-in-the-browser attack
  • Exfiltrate data from a network most sneakily
Insider techniques and creative challenges show you how to extend the hacks, and are sure to make Black Hat Python irresistible to anyone interested in offensive security.



作為暢銷書《Gray Hat Python》的續集,《Black Hat Python》探索了Python能力的黑暗面,包括編寫網絡嗅探器、操作封包、感染虛擬機器、創建隱蔽的特洛伊木馬、擴展流行的網絡攻擊工具Burp Suite等。你將學習如何:

- 使用Github創建特洛伊木馬命令和控制
- 檢測沙箱並自動化常見的惡意軟件任務,如按鍵記錄和截圖
- 通過創造性的進程控制提升Windows特權
- 使用攻擊性內存取證技巧檢索密碼哈希並將shellcode注入虛擬機器
- 濫用Windows COM自動化進行瀏覽器中間人攻擊
- 最隱密地從網絡中洩露數據

內部技巧和創造性挑戰將向你展示如何擴展這些黑客技巧,必將使對攻擊性安全感興趣的人無法抗拒《Black Hat Python》的魅力。