Software/Hardware Construction: A Hands-On Approach

Otero, Carlos E.



This is a book about software engineering, more specifically, software construction. However, unlikesimilar books, the fundamental principle driving this book is the idea that high-quality construction requires understanding of the foundations of computer systems. Therefore, we use an approach that puts software construction concepts in context, using both embedded and PC environments, to engage readers and to make clear why these concepts are important. The book provides sufficient coverage of the hardware underpinnings of computer systems to help develop students in electrical, computer science, and engineering, thus, bridging the gap between hardware and software engineering.


Carlos E. Otero, Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology. He has been a tenure-track faculty in the College of Engineering at University of South Florida, Tampa, and the University of Virginia, Wise. Prior to that, he worked for 11 years in private industry as a computer software engineer for military computer systems, including satellite communications, command and control, wireless security, and unmanned aerial vehicle systems. His research interests are in computer systems engineering, with particular emphasis on the design, performance evaluation, and optimization of systems and processes across a variety of domain areas (including wireless, intelligence, and big data systems). Dr. Otero is a senior member of the IEEE.