D3 for the Impatient : Interactive Graphics for Programmers and Scientists (Paperback)

Philipp K. Janert




If you understand the basics of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript and want to make quick sense of the extensive but often overwhelming reference documentation on D3.js, this short book is for you. Philipp K. Janert, author of Data Analysis with Open Source Tools (O’Reilly), provides a concise roadmap to this library, including its conventions and foundational concepts.

D3.js for the Impatient is concise, yet comprehensive. Janert presents an overall survey of working with D3.js, while steering clear of long-winded and meandering explanations. Right away, this first chapter shows you how to create simple graphs and tackle two of the library’s more unusual aspects: selecting and binding—the way D3.js uses DOM nodes to represent data visually. From there, you can easily explore individual chapters that adhere to your particular interests.


如果您已經了解HTML5、CSS和JavaScript的基礎知識,並且希望快速理解D3.js的廣泛但常常令人困惑的參考文檔,那麼這本短書就是為您而寫的。《D3.js for the Impatient》的作者Philipp K. Janert是《Data Analysis with Open Source Tools》(O'Reilly)的作者,他提供了一個簡潔的路線圖,介紹了這個庫的慣例和基礎概念。

《D3.js for the Impatient》既簡潔又全面。Janert總結了使用D3.js的工作概況,同時避免冗長和拖沓的解釋。第一章就向您展示了如何創建簡單的圖表,並解釋了這個庫的兩個比較特殊的方面:選擇和綁定——D3.js使用DOM節點來視覺化表示數據的方式。從那裡,您可以輕鬆探索符合您特定興趣的各個章節。


Philipp K. Janert is the author of “Data Analysis with Open Source Tools” (O’Reilly, 2010) and “Feedback Control for Computer Systems” (O’Reilly, 2013) as well as “Gnuplot in Action” (first and second edition, Manning, 2009 and 2015). He has worked as a programmer and scientist, in small startups and large corporations. He holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics.


Philipp K. Janert是《Data Analysis with Open Source Tools》(O'Reilly,2010)和《Feedback Control for Computer Systems》(O'Reilly,2013)以及《Gnuplot in Action》(第一版和第二版,Manning,2009和2015)的作者。他曾在小型初創公司和大型企業擔任程式設計師和科學家。他擁有理論物理學博士學位。