Effective Computation in Physics (Paperback)

Anthony Scopatz, Kathryn D. Huff




More physicists today are taking on the role of software developer as part of their research, but software development isn’t always easy or obvious, even for physicists. This practical book teaches essential software development skills to help you automate and accomplish nearly any aspect of research in a physics-based field.

Written by two PhDs in nuclear engineering, this book includes practical examples drawn from a working knowledge of physics concepts. You’ll learn how to use the Python programming language to perform everything from collecting and analyzing data to building software and publishing your results.

In four parts, this book includes:

  • Getting Started: Jump into Python, the command line, data containers, functions, flow control and logic, and classes and objects
  • Getting It Done: Learn about regular expressions, analysis and visualization, NumPy, storing data in files and HDF5, important data structures in physics, computing in parallel, and deploying software
  • Getting It Right: Build pipelines and software, learn to use local and remote version control, and debug and test your code
  • Getting It Out There: Document your code, process and publish your findings, and collaborate efficiently; dive into software licenses, ownership, and copyright procedures





- 入門:快速入門Python、命令行、資料容器、函數、流程控制和邏輯、類和物件
- 完成任務:學習正則表達式、分析和可視化、NumPy、將資料存儲在文件和HDF5中、物理學中重要的資料結構、並行計算和軟體部署
- 正確執行:構建流程和軟體、學習使用本地和遠程版本控制、調試和測試你的程式碼
- 發佈成果:記錄你的程式碼、處理和發佈你的研究結果、高效協作;深入了解軟體許可、所有權和版權程序
