The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation, 2/e (Paperback)

Jono Bacon




Online communities provide a wide range of opportunities for supporting a cause, marketing a product or service, or building open source software. The Art of Community helps you recruit members, motivate them, and manage them as active participants. Author Jono Bacon offers experiences and observations from his 14-year effort to build and manage communities, including his current position as manager for Ubuntu.

Discover how your community can become a reliable support network, a valuable source of new ideas, and a powerful marketing force. This expanded edition shows you how to keep community projects on track, make use of social media, and organize collaborative events. Interviews with 12 community management leaders, including Linus Torvalds, Tim O’Reilly, and Mike Shinoda, provide useful insights.

  • Develop specific objectives and goals for building your community
  • Build processes to help contributors perform tasks, work together, and share successes
  • Provide tools and infrastructure that enable members to work quickly
  • Create buzz around your community to get more people involved
  • Harness social media to broadcast information, collaborate, and get feedback
  • Use several techniques to track progress on community goals
  • Identify and manage conflict, such as dealing with divisive personalities


線上社群提供了各種機會,可以支持一個事業、行銷產品或服務,或是建立開源軟體。《社群的藝術》幫助您招募成員、激勵他們,並將他們管理為積極參與者。作者Jono Bacon分享了他在14年間建立和管理社群的經驗和觀察,包括他目前在Ubuntu擔任經理的職位。

了解如何讓您的社群成為一個可靠的支持網絡、一個寶貴的新思想來源和一個強大的行銷力量。這本擴展版向您展示如何使社群項目保持在正軌上,利用社交媒體,組織協作活動。與12位社群管理領導者的訪談,包括Linus Torvalds、Tim O'Reilly和Mike Shinoda,提供了有用的見解。

- 制定建立社群的具體目標和目標
- 建立流程,幫助貢獻者執行任務,共同合作,分享成功
- 提供工具和基礎設施,使成員能夠快速工作
- 創造社群熱潮,吸引更多人參與
- 利用社交媒體廣播信息,協作和獲得反饋
- 使用多種技術追蹤社群目標的進展
- 識別和管理衝突,例如處理具有分裂性格的人

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