Grid Computing: Infrastructure, Service, and Applications (Hardcover)

Lizhe Wang, Wei Jie, Jinjun Chen




Identifies Recent Technological Developments Worldwide


The field of grid computing has made rapid progress in the past few years, evolving and developing in almost all areas, including concepts, philosophy, methodology, and usages. Grid Computing: Infrastructure, Service, and Applications reflects the recent advances in this field, covering the research aspects that involve infrastructure, middleware, architecture, services, and applications.


Grid Systems Across the Globe


The first section of the book focuses on infrastructure and middleware and presents several national and international grid systems. The text highlights China Research and Development environment Over Wide-area Network (CROWN), several ongoing cyberinfrastructure efforts in New York State, and Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE), which is co-funded by the European Commission and the world’s largest multidisciplinary grid infrastructure today.


The second part of the book discusses recent grid service advances. The authors examine the UK National Grid Service (NGS), the concept of resource allocation in a grid environment, OMIIBPEL, and the possibility of treating scientific workflow issues using techniques from the data stream community. The book describes an SLA model, reviews portal and workflow technologies, presents an overview of PKIs and their limitations, and introduces PIndex, a peer-to-peer model for grid information services.


New Projects and Initiatives


The third section includes an analysis of innovative grid applications. Topics covered include the WISDOM initiative, incorporating flow-level networking models into grid simulators, system-level virtualization, grid usage in the high-energy physics environment in the LHC project, and the Service Oriented HLA RTI (SOHR) framework.


With a comprehensive summary of past advances, this text is a window into the future of this nascent technology, forging a path for the next generation of cyberinfrastructure developers.



書籍的第一部分聚焦於基礎設施和中間件,介紹了幾個國家和國際網格系統。文中重點介紹了中國研究和開發環境覆蓋廣域網絡(CROWN)、紐約州正在進行的幾個網絡基礎設施項目,以及由歐洲委員會共同資助的當今世界上最大的多學科網格基礎設施——Enabling Grids for E-sciencE(EGEE)。


書籍的第三部分包括對創新網格應用的分析。涵蓋的主題包括WISDOM計劃、將流級網絡模型納入網格模擬器、系統級虛擬化、LHC項目中高能物理環境中的網格使用,以及面向服務的HLA RTI(SOHR)框架。
