(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide & Practice Tests Bundle, 3/e (Paperback)

Chapple, Mike, Seidl, David

  • 出版商: Sybex
  • 出版日期: 2022-11-01
  • 定價: $3,325
  • 售價: 9.5$3,159
  • 語言: 英文
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1119909430
  • ISBN-13: 9781119909439
  • 相關分類: 資訊安全
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




This value-packed set for the serious (ISC)2 CCSP certification candidate combines the bestselling CCSP (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition with an updated collection of practice questions and practice exams in CCSP (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests, 3rd Edition to give you the best preparation ever for the high-stakes (ISC)2 CCSP exam.

(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition is your ultimate resource for the CCSP exam. As the only official study guide reviewed and endorsed by (ISC)2, this guide helps you prepare faster and smarter with Sybex study tools that include pre-test assessments that show you what you know, and areas you need to further review. Objective maps, exercises, and chapter review questions help you gauge your progress along the way, and the Sybex interactive online learning environment includes access to a PDF glossary, hundreds of flashcards, and two complete, online practice exams. Covering all domains tested by the CCSP exam, this book walks you through Architectural Concepts and Design Requirements, Cloud Data Security, Cloud Platform and Infrastructure Security, Cloud Application Security, Operations, and Legal and Compliance with real-world scenarios to help you apply your skills along the way.

Along with the book, you also get access to Sybex's stellar online interactive learning environment that includes two unique practice exams to help you identify where you need to study more, electronic flashcards to reinforce your learning and give you last-minute test prep before the exam, and a searchable glossary in PDF format to give you instant access to the key terms you need to know for the exam.

Add to that the thoroughly updated (ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Practice Tests, 3rd Edition, with two more complete exams and at least another 60 questions for each of the six domains and you'll be ready to succeed on the challenging CCSP exam.


這套價值豐富的組合是為了嚴肅的(ISC)² CCSP 認證考生而設計的,結合了暢銷書籍《CCSP (ISC)² 認證雲安全專業官方學習指南,第三版》和更新的《CCSP (ISC)² 認證雲安全專業官方練習題和模擬考試,第三版》,為您提供最佳的準備,以應對高風險的(ISC)² CCSP 考試。

《(ISC)² CCSP 認證雲安全專業官方學習指南,第三版》是您參加 CCSP 考試的最終資源。作為唯一經(ISC)²審查和認可的官方學習指南,本指南通過 Sybex 學習工具幫助您更快、更聰明地準備考試,其中包括預測測試評估,顯示您已掌握的知識和需要進一步複習的領域。目標地圖、練習和章節回顧問題幫助您評估自己的進展,而 Sybex 的互動在線學習環境則包括 PDF 詞彙表、數百張單詞卡和兩套完整的在線模擬考試。本書涵蓋了 CCSP 考試所涉及的所有領域,通過實際案例幫助您在學習過程中應用所學,包括架構概念和設計要求、雲數據安全、雲平台和基礎設施安全、雲應用安全、運營以及法律和合規性。

除了書籍之外,您還可以獲得 Sybex 出色的在線互動學習環境,其中包括兩套獨特的練習考試,幫助您確定需要進一步學習的領域,電子單詞卡以加強學習並在考試前進行臨時準備,以及可搜索的 PDF 格式詞彙表,讓您即時獲取考試所需的關鍵詞彙。

此外,還有經過全面更新的《(ISC)² CCSP 認證雲安全專業官方練習題和模擬考試,第三版》,其中包括兩套完整的考試和至少另外 60 個問題,涵蓋了六個領域,讓您準備迎接具有挑戰性的 CCSP 考試。