JavaScript: The New Toys

T. J. Crowder




A one-stop reference for the latest JavaScript features and techniques

JavaScript: The New Toys explores the newest features of the world's most popular programming language while also showing you how to track what's coming and get involved. Author T.J. Crowder, the top JavaScript contributor on Stack Overflow, walks you through the significant changes and additions to the language along with key tools and techniques to help you get up to date with modern JavaScript. Beginning with a high-level overview of new features, you'll learn what's new, how new features come about, who's responsible, how to stay on top of what's coming next, and how to use new features even in old browsers. The bulk of the coverage consists of point-by-point "just the facts" explanations of each new feature, plus expert recommendations for tweaking old habits to integrate new techniques. Each feature is introduced with the problem it solves and the details of how it works—including brief source code demonstrating syntax and behavior. With comprehensive coverage of the new features and techniques, this book provides an invaluable resource for web programmers everywhere.

Modern JavaScript is a fast-changing language, both in terms of what's officially specified and what browsers support at any given time. This book addresses all of the new and updated features of ES2015 and ES2016 plus the finalized features of ES2017 so far.

  • Discover the unexpected advantages of the new let and const declarations
  • Learn how classes solve common problems, and get details on syntax
  • Delve into the use and mechanics of arrow functions and lexical this
  • Adopt new best practices for using Promises, and avoid common pitfalls

All major browsers support JavaScript, but support for individual functions and releases is all over the map. JavaScript: The New Toys shows you what's new, how to use it, but how to keep incomplete browser support from holding you back.


《JavaScript: The New Toys》是一本涵蓋最新JavaScript功能和技巧的一站式參考書籍。本書探討了這個世界上最受歡迎的程式語言的最新功能,同時向您展示如何追蹤即將到來的功能並參與其中。作者T.J. Crowder是Stack Overflow上最頂尖的JavaScript貢獻者,他將引導您了解語言的重大變化和新增功能,以及幫助您熟悉現代JavaScript的關鍵工具和技巧。從對新功能的高層次概述開始,您將學習到什麼是新的、新功能是如何產生的、誰負責、如何跟上即將到來的功能,以及如何在舊的瀏覽器中使用新功能。大部分內容都是針對每個新功能的點對點「只講事實」解釋,並提供專家建議,以調整舊習慣來整合新技術。每個功能都會介紹它解決的問題以及它的工作細節,包括簡短的源代碼示例,展示語法和行為。這本書全面介紹了新功能和技巧,為網頁程式設計師提供了寶貴的資源。


- 發現新的let和const聲明的意外優勢
- 學習類別如何解決常見問題,並瞭解語法的細節
- 深入研究箭頭函式和詞法this的使用和機制
- 採用使用Promise的新最佳實踐,避免常見陷阱

所有主要瀏覽器都支援JavaScript,但對於個別功能和版本的支援程度千差萬別。《JavaScript: The New Toys》向您展示了什麼是新的,如何使用它,以及如何避免不完整的瀏覽器支援阻礙您的進展。

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