Coding For Dummies (Paperback)

Nikhil Abraham




Coding For Dummies, (9781119293323) was previously published as Coding For Dummies, (9781118951309). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

Hands-on exercises help you learn to code like a pro

No coding experience is required for Coding For Dummies, your one-stop guide to building a foundation of knowledge in writing computer code for web, application, and software development. It doesn't matter if you've dabbled in coding or never written a line of code, this book guides you through the basics. Using foundational web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it explains in plain English how coding works and why it's needed.

Online exercises developed by Codecademy, a leading online code training site, help hone coding skills and demonstrate results as you practice.

The site provides an environment where you can try out tutorials built into the text and see the actual output from your coding. You'll also gain access to end-of-chapter challenges to apply newly acquired skills to a less-defined assignment. So what are you waiting for?

  • The current demand for workers with coding and computer science skills far exceeds the supply
  • Teaches the foundations of web development languages in an easy-to-understand format
  • Offers unprecedented opportunities to practice basic coding languages
  • Readers can access online hands-on exercises and end-of-chapter assessments that develop and test their new-found skills

If you're a student looking for an introduction to the basic concepts of coding or a professional looking to add new skills, Coding For Dummies has you covered.






  • 當前對具有編程和計算機科學技能的工作者的需求遠超過供應

  • 以易於理解的格式教授網頁開發語言的基礎知識

  • 提供了前所未有的機會來練習基本編程語言

  • 讀者可以訪問在線的實踐編程練習和章末評估,以發展和測試他們新獲得的技能


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