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Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics (Hardcover)

Dudek, Gregory, Jenkin, Michael



Now in its third edition, this textbook is a comprehensive introduction to the multidisciplinary field of mobile robotics, which lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, computational vision, and traditional robotics. Written for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science and engineering, the book covers algorithms for a range of strategies for locomotion, sensing, and reasoning. The new edition includes recent advances in robotics and intelligent machines, including coverage of human-robot interaction, robot ethics, and the application of advanced AI techniques to end-to-end robot control and specific computational tasks. This book also provides support for a number of algorithms using ROS 2, and includes a review of critical mathematical material and an extensive list of sample problems. Researchers as well as students in the field of mobile robotics will appreciate this comprehensive treatment of state-of-the-art methods and key technologies.


這本教科書已經出版第三版,是一本全面介紹跨越人工智慧、計算視覺和傳統機器人領域的多學科移動機器人入門書籍。針對計算機科學和工程學的高年級本科生和研究生撰寫,本書涵蓋了一系列有關運動、感知和推理策略的演算法。新版包括了機器人和智能機器的最新進展,包括人機互動、機器人倫理以及高級人工智慧技術在端到端機器人控制和特定計算任務中的應用。本書還提供了使用ROS 2的多個演算法支援,並包括了關鍵數學材料的回顧和大量的樣本問題。移動機器人領域的研究人員和學生將會喜歡這本全面介紹最先進方法和關鍵技術的教材。

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