The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide: How to Learn Programming Languages Quickly, Ace Your Programming Interview, and Land Your Software Developer Dream Job (Paperback) (書況不佳)

John Sonmez




Technical Knowledge Alone Isn't Enough - Increase Your Income by Leveling Up Your Soft Skills

Early in his software developer career, John Sonmez discovered that technical knowledge alone isn't enough to break through to the next income level - developers need "soft skills" like the ability to learn new technologies just in time, communicate clearly with management and consulting clients, negotiate a fair hourly rate, and unite teammates and coworkers in working toward a common goal.

As John invested in these skills his career took off, and he became a highly paid, highly sought-after developer and consultant.

Today John helps more than 1.4 million programmers every year to increase their income by developing this unique blend of skills.

"If you're a developer, green or a veteran, you owe it to yourself to read The Complete Software Developers Career Guide." - Jason Down, Platform Developer, Ontario, Canada

What You Will Learn in This Book

  • How to systematically find and fill the gaps in your technical knowledge so you can face any new challenge with confidence
  • Should you take contract work - or hold out for a salaried position? Which will earn you more, what the tradeoffs are, and how your personality should sway your choice
  • Should you learn JavaScript, C#, Python, C++? How to decide which programming language you should master first
  • Ever notice how every job ever posted requires "3-5 years of experience," which you don't have? Simple solution for this frustrating chicken-and-egg problem that allows you to build legitimate job experience while you learn to code
  • Is earning a computer science degree a necessity - or a total waste of time? How to get a college degree with maximum credibility and minimum debt
  • Coding bootcampssome are great, some are complete scams. How to tell the difference so you don't find yourself cheated out of $10,000
  • Interviewer tells you, "Dress code is casual around here - the development team wears flipflops." What should you wear?
  • How do you deal with a boss who's a micromanager. Plus how helping your manager with his goals can make you the MVP of your team
  • The technical skills that every professional developer must have - but no one teaches you (most developers are missing some critical pieces, they don't teach this stuff in college, you're expected to just "know" this)
  • An inside look at the recruiting industry. What that "friendly" recruiter really wants from you, how they get paid, and how to avoid getting pigeonholed into a job you'll hate

Who Should Read This Book

Entry-Level Developers

This book will show you how to ensure you have the technical skills your future boss is looking for, create a resume that leaps off a hiring manager's desk, and escape the "no work experience" trap.

Mid-Career Developers

You'll see how to find and fill in gaps in your technical knowledge, position yourself as the one team member your boss can't live without, and turn those dreaded annual reviews into chance to make an iron-clad case for your salary bump.

Senior Developers

This book will show you how to become a specialist who can command above-market wages, how building a name for yourself can make opportunities come to you, and how to decide whether consulting or entrepreneurship are paths you should pursue.

Brand New Developers

In this book you'll discover what it's like to be a professional software developer, how to go from "I know some code" to possessing the skills to work on a development team, how to speed along your learning by avoiding common beginner traps, and how to decide whether you should invest in a programming degree or "bootcamp."


僅憑技術知識是不夠的 - 通過提升軟技能來增加收入

在他的軟體開發員職業生涯的早期,約翰·桑梅茲發現僅憑技術知識是不足以突破到下一個收入水平的 - 開發人員需要像即時學習新技術的能力、與管理層和顧問客戶清晰溝通、談判公平的時薪、以及團隊合作和共同努力達成共同目標等「軟技能」。



「如果你是一位開發人員,無論是新手還是老手,你都應該閱讀《完整的軟體開發人員職業指南》。」- 加拿大安大略省平台開發人員傑森·唐


- 如何系統地找到並填補你技術知識的空白,以便能夠自信地應對任何新挑戰
- 你應該接受合約工作還是等待薪資職位?哪個能讓你賺更多錢,有哪些權衡,以及你的個性應該如何影響你的選擇
- 你應該學習JavaScript、C#、Python、C ++嗎?如何決定你應該先掌握哪種編程語言
- 你是否注意到每個招聘職位都要求「3-5年的經驗」,而你沒有這樣的經驗?解決這個令人沮喪的雞生蛋問題的簡單方法,讓你在學習編程的同時建立合法的工作經驗
- 電腦科學學位是必要的還是浪費時間?如何以最大的信譽和最小的債務獲得學位
- 編程訓練營 - 有些很好,有些完全是騙局。如何分辨,以免被騙走1萬美元
- 面試官告訴你,“這裡的着裝規定是休閒的 - 開發團隊穿著人字拖。”你應該穿什麼?
- 如何應對一個過度管理的老闆。還有如何幫助你的經理實現他的目標,成為團隊中最有價值的人
- 每位專業開發人員必須具備的技術技能 - 但沒有人教你(大多數開發人員都缺少一些關鍵的技能,大學不教這些東西,你被期望只是「知道」這些)
- 招聘行業的內幕。那些「友好」的招聘人員真正想從你那裡得到什麼,他們如何獲得報酬,以及如何避免被限制在你討厭的工作中


- 初級開發人員:本書將向你展示如何確保你擁有未來老闆所需的技術技能,創建一份讓招聘經理眼前一亮的簡歷,並擺脫「無工作經驗」的困境。
- 中級開發人員:你將了解如何找到並填補你技術知識的空白,將自己定位為老闆無法或不願失去的團隊成員,並將那些可怕的年度評估轉變為為你的薪資增長提供堅實依據的機會。
- 高級開發人員:本書將向你展示如何成為一位能夠獲得高於市場價格的專家,如何建立自己的聲譽,使機會主動找上門,以及如何決定是否應該追求顧問或創業的道路。
- 新手開發人員:在本書中,你將了解成為一名專業軟體開發人員的感受,如何從「我懂一些程式碼」到擁有在開發團隊上工作的技能,如何避免常見的初學者陷阱,以及如何決定是否應該投資於編程學位或「訓練營」。