The Little Schemer, 4/e (Paperback)

Daniel P. Friedman, Matthias Felleisen




drawings by Duane Bibby

foreword by Gerald J. Sussman

"I learned more about LISP from this book than I have from any of the other LISP books I've read over the years. . . . While other books will tell you the mechanics of LISP, they can leave you largely uninformed on the style of problem-solving for which LISP is optimized. The Little LISPer teaches you how to think in the LISP language. . . an inexpensive, enjoyable introduction." -- Gregg Williams, Byte

The notion that "thinking about computing is one of the most exciting things the human mind can do" sets both The Little Schemer (formerly known as The Little LISPer) and its new companion volume, The Seasoned Schemer, apart from other books on LISP. The authors' enthusiasm for their subject is compelling as they present abstract concepts in a humorous and easy-to-grasp fashion. Together, these books will open new doors of thought to anyone who wants to find out what computing is really about. The Little Schemer introduces computing as an extension of arithmetic and algebra -- things that everyone studies in grade school and high school. It introduces programs as recursive functions and briefly discusses the limits of what computers can do. The authors use the programming language Scheme, and interesting foods to illustrate these abstract ideas. The Seasoned Schemer informs the reader about additional dimensions of computing: functions as values, change of state, and exceptional cases. The Little LISPer has been a popular introduction to LISP for many years. It had appeared in French and Japanese. The Little Schemer and The Seasoned Schemer are worthy successors and will prove equally popular as textbooks for Scheme courses as well as companion texts for any complete introductory course in Computer Science. Download DrScheme - a graphical environment for developing Scheme programs


「由Duane Bibby繪製的圖畫」

「由Gerald J. Sussman作序」

「這本書讓我對LISP的了解比我多年來閱讀的其他LISP書籍更深入...雖然其他書籍會告訴你LISP的機制,但它們可能讓你對LISP最佳問題解決方式的風格知之甚少。《小小LISPer》教你如何以LISP語言思考...一本便宜且有趣的入門書。」- Gregg Williams, Byte


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