Living Documentation: Continuous Knowledge Sharing by Design (Hardcover)

Martraire, Cyrille




Use an Approach Inspired by Domain-Driven Design to Build Documentation That Evolves to Maximize Value Throughout Your Development Lifecycle




Software documentation can come to life, stay dynamic, and actually help you build better software. Writing for developers, coding architects, and other software professionals, Living Documentation shows how to create documentation that evolves throughout your entire design and development lifecycle.





Through patterns, clarifying illustrations, and concrete examples, Cyrille Martraire demonstrates how to use well-crafted artifacts and automation to dramatically improve the value of documentation at minimal extra cost. Whatever your domain, language, or technologies, you don't have to choose between working software and comprehensive, high-quality documentation: you can have both.





- Extract and augment available knowledge, and make it useful through living curation



- Automate the creation of documentation and diagrams that evolve as knowledge changes


- Use development tools to refactor documentation


- Leverage documentation to improve software designs



- Introduce living documentation to new and legacy environments





透過模式、清晰的插圖和具體的示例,Cyrille Martraire展示了如何使用精心製作的工件和自動化來大幅提升文件的價值,而僅需最少的額外成本。無論您的領域、語言或技術如何,您不必在可工作的軟體和全面高質量的文件之間做出選擇:您可以兩者兼得。

- 提取和擴充現有知識,並通過活躍的策展使其有用
- 自動化創建隨著知識變化而演進的文件和圖表
- 使用開發工具重構文件
- 利用文件來改進軟體設計
- 將活躍文件引入新的和舊有環境中


Cyrille Martraire (@cyriux on Twitter) is CTO, co-founder, and partner at Arolla (@ArollaFr on Twitter), the founder of the Paris Software Crafters community, and a regular speaker at international conferences. Cyrille refers to himself as a developer, since he has designed software since 1999 for startups, software vendors, and corporations as an employee and as a consultant.




He has worked and led multiple significant projects, mostly in capital finance, including the complete rewriting of a multilateral trading facility of interest rate swaps. In most cases he has to start from large and miserable legacy systems.





He's passionate about software design in every aspect: test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and, in particular, domain-driven design.





Cyrille lives in Paris with his wife, Yunshan, and children, Norbert and Gustave.




Cyrille Martraire(Twitter上的@cyriux)是Arolla(Twitter上的@ArollaFr)的CTO、共同創辦人和合夥人,也是巴黎軟體工匠社群的創始人,並經常在國際會議上演講。Cyrille自1999年以來一直從事軟體設計工作,為初創公司、軟體供應商和企業擔任員工和顧問。


